Moms for Liberty - Deschutes County Chapter is dedicated to the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. Our local chapter is focused in two areas: Parental Rights in education and Curriculum. We welcome all moms, dads, grandparents, and community members in Deschutes County that value parental rights. We are stronger together!
We encourage you to visit our new website for more information and resources!!
Bend-La Pine School District Website
Bend-La Pine School Board
Bend- La Pine School Board Member and Contact List
Redmond School District Website
Redmond School Board
Redmond School Board Member and Contact List
Sisters School District Website
Sisters School Board
Sisters School Board Member and Contact List
Bend La-Pine School Board
Seven community members make up the Bend-La Pine Schools Board of Directors. Registered voters elect board members for terms of four years. The school board has governance responsibilities in four areas: vision, accountability, policy and advocacy. The school board believes that effective public school education must be directed toward common needs of all children and must also consider the unique differences and needs of individual children.
It is the board’s role to set policy, develop clear expectations for results, and to evaluate progress. The board has empowered the district leadership team, led by the superintendent, to carry out the district’s daily operations in alignment with policies and expectations, to pursue short- and long-term goals, and to resolve issues that arise along the way. This allows the board to maintain a system-wide focus and supports an appropriate distinction between policy and administration.
If you would like to bring positive feedback, questions or concerns to the school board’s attention, there are a variety of ways your voice can be heard. You can attend a school board meeting and share your thoughts during the public comment section of the meeting. You can submit a message to the school board’s Listening Post, which is an electronic communication directly to the full board and superintendent. Board members also share their direct phone numbers for personal conversations, and you can always send a letter to the school board at 520 NW Wall Street, Bend, Oregon 97703. The school board is committed to open governance and transparent communication that includes listening to stakeholders, students, staff, parents/families and community members.
Community engagement is a vital part of our school district’s success. Community members who have feedback or concerns for the school district (regarding operations) or school board (regarding policy) are encouraged to contact the person closest to the situation first to have their issue addressed most effectively and efficiently.
Bend La-Pine School Board Contact List
Carrie Douglass, Zone 1 | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
Marcus LeGrand, Zone 2 | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
Shimiko Montgomery, Zone 3 | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2023 |
Shirley Olson, Zone 4 | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
Amy Tatom | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2023 |
Melissa Barnes Dholakia, Zone 6 | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2023 |
Open School Board Seat | Term expires: 06-30-2025 | |
Email the whole board | [email protected] | |
Dr. Steve Cook, Superintendent | [email protected] |
Redmond School Board
The Redmond Board of Directors consists of five members elected to serve overlapping four-year terms as non-salaried trustees of the school district. As elected officials, the Board is responsible for the scope, depth and quality of education and is the official policy-making body of the school district.
In addition to establishing policies for the operation of the district, the Board defines the philosophy of the district, determines educational goals and standards, authorizes curriculum revision or development, approves employment and termination of personnel, approves the budget and sets the tax rate, approves property purchases, approves new building plans, and hears grievances of employees, students, and citizens.
Michael Summers | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
Jill Cummings | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
Shawn Hartfield | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
Keri Lopez | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
Liz Goodrich | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2023 |
Dr. Charan Cline, Superintendent | [email protected] |
Sisters School Board
The Sisters School Board consists of five members elected to serve overlapping four-year terms as non-salaried trustees of the School District. As elected officials, the Board is responsible for the scope, depth, and quality of education and it’s the official policy-making body of the school district.
In addition to establishing policies for the operation of the district, the Board defines the philosophy of the district, and in cooperation with the Superintendent, determines educational goals and standards, authorizes curriculum revision or development, approves employment and termination of personnel, approves the budget and sets the tax rate, approves property purchases, approves new building plans, and hears grievances of employees, students, and citizens.
Jenica Cogdill, Position #1, Chair | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
David Thorsett, Position #2, Director | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2025 |
Jeff Smith, Position #3, Director | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2023 |
Don Hedrick, Position #4, Vice-Chair | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2023 |
Edie Jones, Position #5, Director | [email protected] | Term expires: 06-30-2021 |
Curtiss Scholl, Superintendent | [email protected] |
For more information, please visit our website