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Leftist Florida School Board Member Calls Black Conservatives ‘Token’ Ahead of Election

Elizabeth Andersen, a left-wing school board member in Duval County, Florida, used a racial slur to describe black conservative mothers who disagree with her agenda in a video conference with activists.

Andersen said, slamming the parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty, “So we have Quisha King – April Carney is my opponent – Tia Bess is another one that has a child with special needs and they often will sort of parade her out as a token person because everyone is doing harmful things to children with special needs, and that’s to push that agenda,” Andersen said, slamming the parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty.”

Bess, who is a parental rights advocate and volunteer with Moms for Liberty, told Breitbart News she became involved with the Moms for Liberty movement because her son was “trapped in ESE purgatory” — ESE programs being part of Florida’s Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services for students with specific learning accommodations.

She explained that her son, who was diagnosed with autism, also had 50 percent hearing loss and struggled with masking because of his “extreme sensory issues” and that he “was just learning to communicate.”

Read the full story here.