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‘We Are Being Censored’: Co-Founder Of Conservative Moms Group Blasts Twitter

A co-founder for a conservative grassroots group seeking to combat gender ideology in American schools said Twitter temporarily locked its account Monday for posting “hateful content.”

Moms For Liberty (MFL) posted a tweet questioning the intentions of teachers and adults pushing gender theory Monday morning. The tweet called gender dysphoria a “mental disorder” and claimed that “predators” across the country seek to take advantage of its increasing prevalence, particularly in schools.

“I think we have seen across the country that there is a coordinated effort to push transgender ideology on our kids. Moms For Liberty is calling it out, moms are calling it out. It is the truth that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder,” MFL co-founder Tiffany Justice told the Daily Caller. “We are being censored for saying the truth,” she continued.

“The only people that the term ‘groomer‘ is offending are groomers. Normal people are not offended because they are not doing it,” Justice added.

Justice claimed that MFL currently has no access to its Twitter account. MFL is appealing Twitter’s decision rather than deleting the tweet to regain access as quickly as possible, she added.