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We need your help! Please email Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, CC: Governor Ron DeSantis, Jr., Senior Chancellor Jacob Oliva, Deputy Chancellor Paul Burns,  and Amber Baumbach and ask them for CLARITY, COMMON SENSE, AND ACCOUNTABILITY when it comes to the required training for school librarians and media specialists outlined in HB 1467!  Please ask him to DEFINE THE TERMS and put an end to the “interpretive” loopholes and district runaround undermining parental rights and allowing continued student exposure to harmful materials in our school libraries.

We are asking for the following changes before the FLDOE approves the Media Specialist Training:

CLARITY: Pornographic materials, harmful materials, controversial materials, obscenity to be defined in legal terms; 

COMMON SENSE: For the media specialists to use parameters AT LEAST as strong as the porn filter used for the adults at the DOE when deciding if a book includes pornographic materials; 

ACCOUNTABILITY: Any materials containing pornographic or sensitive materials chosen by the media specialist to include in the school library due to “serious literary value” must be personally approved, with signature, by the principal AND superintendent and posted on a public list on the district website;

Books deemed “sensitive” in nature will be stored in a separate location within the library, inaccessible to students without parental permission.


Send your email to:

Commissioner, Manny Diaz, Jr.
Florida Department of Education
Phone: 850-245-9663
Governor Ron DeSantis
Senior Chancellor, Jacob Oliva
Phone: 850-245-0509
Deputy Chancellor for Educator Quality, Paul Burns
Phone: 850-245-0509
Media Workgroup Moderator
Amber Baumbach
Phone: 850-245-9115