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Moms for Liberty Awarded the 2022 “Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship” from the Heritage Foundation


[June 3, 2022] Moms for Liberty, the nationwide advocacy group for the empowerment of parents, was awarded the 2022 Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship on Thursday at the Heritage Foundation's annual Resource Bank meeting. The group is being recognized for their perseverance in preserving and advancing core American principles. 
Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts released the following statement on the award: 

“At no time in American history has educating students and empowering parents been more critical than it is today. Loving, hard working parents make our country the greatest nation in the history of the world, yet the radical left is openly trying to undermine the presence and power of parents across our country. We see this particularly in our schools, where government officials and teacher union bosses are doing everything possible to shut parents out and undermine their authority.  
“I am so grateful for the work being done by Tiffany, Tina, and the thousands of other moms with Moms for Liberty who demonstrate parents are a force to be reckoned with. When conservatives stand together with parents, we will win the battles on the most fundamental issue—the centrality of the family to human flourishing. That’s something all Americans should strive to achieve. I am excited to watch Moms for Liberty continue to expand and influence education policy at all levels throughout our country.” 

Descovich said, “It is an honor to be awarded the Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship. This award belongs to our 95,000 moms and parents on the ground that are working to protect their right to direct the upbringing of their children.  These parents will continue to hold leaders accountable all across the country.”

Justice said, “Thank you, Heritage Foundation, for recognizing the importance of our mission and the hard work of all our members over such a short time. The successes we have seen over the past year empower us to carry on and fight for children across America. We saw their education being robbed during the Covid pandemic and now their education is too often tainted with political agendas. Now more than ever, defending our rights is not only needed, but necessary for our children’s sake and we will continue to do just that with great partners like Heritage by our side.”

